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Port Autority Palermo

Unlike airports, seaports are less recognized as visual communication topics. However, these harbors are very large and complex organizations whose efficiency and functionality can be optimized by appropriate visual interventions (signage, color scheme, etc.).

The first step in the development of the image was the marking of the study center L'officina, a place where students of the University of Palermo worked on study projects for the future development of the port area of Palermo.


The overall design program is based on an umbrella brand principle that identifies the different service areas of the port. The logo visualizes the topography of the port area and its Mediterranean color scheme underlines the origin of the institution. In this way, the institution of the Port of Palermo will also set an international standard in terms of communication, coherently positioning itself as the "entrance to Sicily" and as one of the most important logistics centers in the southern Mediterranean.
Client: Autorità Portuale di Palermo 
Project: Branding, design and signage program in collaboration with D/C/P


© Coande GmbH,
Almastrasse 6, 8708 Männedorf (Switzerland) 

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