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Master Lectures in Hong Kong und Beirut
As part of the lecture series of the Zurich University of the Arts for the HKDI, Hong Kong Design Institute, the presentation "Swiss Made - a brand story" was developed. This lecture was held online on November 4, 2022.
Master Lectures in Hong Kong und Beirut
As part of the lecture series of the Zurich University of the Arts for the HKDI, Hong Kong Design Institute, the presentation "Swiss Made - a brand story" was developed. This lecture was held online on November 4, 2022.
Coande GmbH, Almastrasse 6, 8708 Männedorf, Switzerland
+41 44 422 3950,
Polo Museale Roma
The Polo Museale of the City of Rome, unites seven important museums of the city of Rome in a network: these include the Galleria Villa Borghese, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Antica Palazzo Barberini, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Palazzo Corsini, Museo Nazionale Palazzo Venezia, Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo, Galleria Palazzo Spada and the Museo Nazional degli Strumenti Musicali. The proposal set itself the goal of building a cultural brand that distinguishes itself from the commercial environment through clarity and autonomy, in order to communicate an attractive cultural offer in a fresh and appealing way.
Client: Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico, Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della Città di Roma
Project: Branding and design-program in collaboration with Studio Roberto Priori
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